Canon FD L 50-300 F3.5 EF

Canon FD L 50-300 F3.5 EF

0,00 $US

This very rare zoom made by canon in the 70s is a perfect addition to a set of Canon FDs or K35.
Vintage but sharp, and covering LF easily this zoom is perfect for most applications.
The lens has ahigh zoom ratio of 6x ranging from standard 50mm to 300mm telephoto.

The use of Canon’s original 4-group zoom optical system and UD glass lens element featuring low dispersion and low index of refraction offers correction of aberrations and excellent definition in all ranges despite being a high magnification zoom lens with a focal length of 300mm.

It also features excellent operability such a compact design reducing the overall length while adopting a 2-focusing ring system allowing focusing and zooming to be performed using separate rings.

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